Preparing Hearts and Minds for the Coming of the Messiah

Tag: Last Days

A Point to Ponder

…and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of Hosts.” Hagai 2:7

Jesus shall be the desire of all nations, but first He must be our greatest desire. We must pant after His pressence and person like the dear after water; we must hunger and thirst after Him and His righteousness with great hunger and thirst that only He can satisfy; we just diligently seek His face with all longing greater than those that wait for the morning.

I wait for the LORD, my soul does wait, and in his word do I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning. Psalms 130:5-6

Israel: The Adoption, the Glory and the Preparation – Audio

Happy 4th in Jesus Name!

In my blog post entitled: Israel Part I: A Word about Prophecy , I gave an introduction about a message I taught to a Messianic home group in Jerusalem. My intention is to greatly expand on that message in the above named blog post and following installments.

However, I was recently blessed by my missionary friend with the audio he recorded (unbeknownst to me)  of the Bible study I gave there and I thought I would make it available to you if you would like to listen.  I have also attached the outline I gave everyone and I recommend that you have it open or printed out as your follow along. I cover a lot of material in just one hour and you will find it helpful I think.

The recording (below) starts about five minutes into the study just before the second bullet point in the outline. You will hear someone translating in the background, but I do not think it detracts too much from the audio.

I pray you are blessed and challenged to think more about the Coming of the Lord and what that may mean in a practical sense to believers and the Jewish people in the Holy Land.

May you be blessed in the mighty name of Yeshua!


PDF Outline: Israel, The Adoption, the Glory and the Preparation

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