Note: This is the fifth chapter of The Power of His Might. Please click here to read the introduction and first four chapters.
Faith comes by Hearing
“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ..” (Romans 10:17 ESV)
Sometimes this verse is misquoted as, “Faith comes from the word of God/Christ.” However, that is not what it says. It says, “…faith comes from hearing.”
At first glance this may not seem like an important distinction. After all, if faith comes from hearing and hearing comes through the word of God, then faith comes from the word of God, right? This is a jump we should not make. What we need to understand is that to many people, the word of God, the Bible, is at best an historical document and nothing more. They read it. They find knowledge. But they do not hear God speaking to them through it. Consider the following verses: